The Nigerian Institution of Mechanical Engineering National Students Forum Present NATIONAL BOOK DRIVE-SECONDARY SCHOOL CONFERENCE /MENTORSHIP (NBDSSCON/MENTORSHIP) Phase I NIMechE~NSF is the Nigerian institution of mechanical Engineers~National Students Forum, a forum that is made up of mechanical engineering students across all higher institutions in Nigeria. NIMechE~NSF is the student wing of The Nigerian Institution of Mechanical Engineering. “Develop a passion for learning. If you do you will never cease to grow”- Anthony Dangelo. Some of us understand firsthand what it’s like not to have learning materials. We know how it feels not to have the relevant books for learning and how much knowledge eluded us due to our lack of textbooks. The book drive came out of the need to provide learning aids for our young citizens who have no means of getting learning materials. We will set up secondary school libraries in some states in Nigeria so a lot of t...