GREAT IFE WATCH: FURTHER INVESTIGATION ON BIODUN'S MURDER: A COMPREHENSIVE REPORT -CMD, PRO of OAU THC refuse to speak up on I.D card request, though an eye-witness has refuted the claim. -There is no primary eye-witness to the murder, all witnesses are secondary - There is more than one secondary eye-witness - Biodun should have gone home because of his illness but remained in school because of his test. In an intelligence report gotten by _GIW_ through a witness account- we reported earlier. It was stated that Biodun wasn't denied medical attention based on non-provision of I.D card, however he didn't fail to state that there was a shortage of equipment and health staff. Although , the CMD and PRO of OAU THC have refused to pass any comment on the issue (As reported by Premium times). However, some sources have revealed earlier that I.D card was demanded. Further investigations have revealed, that there was no primary witness to the murder of Biodun. A primary w...